Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The death penalty doesn't work, deterrent or economically.

Many of the American states who have the death penalty are rethinking their motives. Kansas has just announced it is seriously looking at eliminating its legislated death penalty due to the downturn in the economy. http://voices.kansascity.com/node/3906

For so long the proponents of the death penalty have state that the cost to governments to keep prisoners for life for extreme crimes was too expensive. Those who opposed the death penalty have stated that to murder someone because of their actions did not allow for rehabilitation or even consideration that the perpetrator would suffer for their crime. Statistics have proven that the death penalty is not a deterrent but may actually give extreme criminals an excuse to commit the crime in order to end their existence.

The trial of Lee in Winnipeg will raise the emotions and questions over Canada's legal system. The "Tim" factor is already being put forward by the family of the victim to justify deeper incarceration for a mentally ill perpetrator of a particularly horrendous crime. It follows that Canadians will begin to question their position on Capital punishment.

I for one, cannot fathom the return of the death penalty in Canada. This is one of the most regressive moves we could make.


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