Monday, February 2, 2009

Reagan, Bush Legacy

Ronald Reagan deregulated everything he could while he was in power. He laid the groundwork for the Chicago School of Economics to design a system of world power without morality or conscience. Their plan was to profit by creating anarchy. As Naomi Klein very succinctly points out they created the Shock Doctrine.

The Bush's finished the job. The position the world is in is directly linked to this band of outlaws. Outlaws because they and their cronies raised themselves above the law. No criminal act was too outrageous for them. The Iraq war built on a false premise of weapons of mass destruction. The entire act done to benefit the profiteers such as Cheney and Rumsfeldt. The entire exercise has destroyed families, lives and the entire country.

The entire 9/11 disaster is still fraught with conspiracy theories around the Bush administration. I still don't understand why we needed to attack Afghanistan especially after watching the Russians fail so miserably, (of course not without the help of American politicians like Charlie Wilson and the American arms machine).

Economically their shear greed and corruption has left the world facing a depression that could turn out greater than the Great Depression of the 1930's. They have literally privatized everything including the American Military. They have sold out the environment when they had the opportunity to affect real change. The GM EV1 is a perfect example how corporate America working together with the Republican Party and the Bush Administration, to prevent progress towards a cleaner earth. Instead they sanction technologies that don't work like Hydrogen cars.

We are finally rid of this band of thieves. But I don't think their influence will end for some time. In fact the crisis we are in now might actually be a part of their overall plan. Can Obama bring the change he has promised? Maybe. Some of the early signs are promising. However it will mean an entire redrawing of the American psyche. For far too long Americans have been indoctrinated to a value system of Capitalism that is failing miserably.

Propped up by military might, financial dictatorship, and the unrealistic belief that America is a democracy the American public has not the knowledge or commitment to find a better way. If you have been told that you must fight terror and the axis of evil for so long that you think your way of life is the only one that works than George Orwell's 1984 world truly does exist.

I hope the turmoil the world finds itself in today can be overcome. The legacy of Reagan and the Bush's has left the entire world at the brink of total meltdown. We are in a crisis of economy, war, environment and pure human sustainability thanks to them.

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