Sunday, February 1, 2009

The strange case of the Religious Right

As a former Roman Catholic, a former amature student of the quatrains of Nostradamus, and a news junkie, I have watched Bush's America and Harper's Canada change to my dismay. The religious right, who have dominated the political scene worldwide for the last twenty years is now up against its own demise.

Or is it? Are they really creating a self fulfilling prophesy?

If your ambition is to see the second coming of your god and in order to hurry the process you need to destroy all those who prevent the process then it may make sense. If you also believe that the end of the world is near and you can actually make it happen why would you want to fix the environment, stop wars, prevent poverty, and support the multiplicity of cultures and values. It goes against your basic principles. If you take the most radical of the evangelical doctrine then you believe only 144,000 humans will survive so why not make it the most wealthy and powerful. It is your destiny.

Listen to the statements of Sarah Palin. She was close to the highest powers of the U.S. nation and her statements clearly were reflective of the religious right in America.

So have things changed now that Obama is president? My passion and values tell me that we are in a new world. I also, like the rest of the world want to believe he will bring common sense and reason to the world.

Except one thing nags at me. Shortly after his inauguration I heard a statement that Obama is the third anti-christ. Is the Religious right beginning its campaign at proving its right to ensure our demise?

I have so many questions and no answers.

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